OO-BYR Cameron Z-425LW
Koen Audenaert - Atlantic Ballooning
Destelbergen, Belgium
+32 - (0) 9 - 3566484
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Listed in category Complete Balloons since 19-10-2012.
OO-BYR Cameron Z-425LW, built 2004, 300 hrs. Smart vent, double twin turning vents, scoop. Hyperlast top (all fabric above the white area). All other fabric is the famous Cameron Tartan Weave.
Cameron 425 solid floor TT basket with black suede, built 2004. Cushion floor, sidewall cushions (all black), 8 karabiners, dropline, first aid kit, fire extinguisher. 100% straight and undamaged. Cameron Quad shadow burners, with liquid pilot lights, REGO fittings, squeeze action bars. 3x Cameron stainless steel 80 liter tanks, with covers and REGO fittings. 1x Cameron duplex stainless steel 90 liter tank with cover and REGO fitting. Cylinder inspections completely current. Complete Cameron W-type quick release system with all ropes and karabiners. 2x Cameron inflation fans (1x 13 HP, 1x 8HP) with carbon fibre propellors. Hapert 6m platform trailer, completely purpose designed with rolls and blocking bars, with envelope on a moving platform. All items in perfect condition. Always loaded light, treated with great care. Ready for many more hours. Complete system can be seen and inspected in Belgium. Will be delivered with valid EASA ARC (if sold within Europe) or with an Export CofA if sold outside Europe. All needed documents included. Picture taken on last flight in September 2012. More pictures available on request by email. Great opportunity for operators who ware looking for more capacity!
Koen Audenaert - Atlantic Ballooning
Destelbergen, Belgium
+32 - (0) 9 - 3566484
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Listed in category Complete Balloons since 19-10-2012.